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Recruitment documents
Recruitment documents
Program of the studies
Regulations of the Doctoral School
GeoPlanet Doctoral School Recrutment Regulations
Proposed dissertation topics
Proposed dissertation topics
Temporal and dynamical behaviour of multi-phase accretion flow
Numerical simulations of relativistic jets from black holes
Detached eclipsing binaries in the era of satellite photometric surveys
Understanding spurious (delayed) emission in dual-phase TPCs for DarkSide
Search for Supermassive Charged Gravitinos Using Liquid Argon Detectors
Low-mass donors in accreting black-hole binaries (BH LMXB)
Exploring possible hints of dark matter in the terrestrial indirect dark matter searches
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Recruitment documents
Recruitment documents
Program of the studies
Regulations of the Doctoral School
GeoPlanet Doctoral School Recrutment Regulations
Proposed dissertation topics
Proposed dissertation topics
Temporal and dynamical behaviour of multi-phase accretion flow
Numerical simulations of relativistic jets from black holes
Detached eclipsing binaries in the era of satellite photometric surveys
Understanding spurious (delayed) emission in dual-phase TPCs for DarkSide
Search for Supermassive Charged Gravitinos Using Liquid Argon Detectors
Low-mass donors in accreting black-hole binaries (BH LMXB)
Exploring possible hints of dark matter in the terrestrial indirect dark matter searches